
All documents digitized, so easy on Syndatis AIR.

Store images of contracts with your vendors and clients in one place.
Use advanced metrics for comfortable cataloguing.
Keep history of changes and old versions of contracts linked to the current one.
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”One database, many purposes” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Keep one central, well-organized database for all contracts with your vendors or clients.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Access control” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Give read / write access to specific types of contracts for specific people in your team.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Full text search” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Let the system read all scanned documents and retrieve text for indexing and search. Also PDFs and Word documents are indexed by the system.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Integration with purchasing” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Use the contract information for the purchasing flow – keep the reference to the appropriate contract.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Lifecycle” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Manage the statuses of the contracts, amend them and mark expired when needed.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Audit and history” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]See people responsible for the actions. Access older versions of the documents.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]

Syndatis AIR

Our platform supports this and many more business modules. It’s fast, it’s reliable and it’s easy to expand.
Use the platform and all business modules for ZERO EUR / USD / PLN up to 1000 documents and 3 user accounts.



3 user accounts
Unlimited module
1000 documents
Hosted by Syndatis AIR
Standard workflow templates
Optional support package




Unlimited user accounts
Unlimited modules
Unlimited documents
Hosted by Syndatis AIR
Standard workflow templates
E-mail support


per user per month



Unlimited user accounts
Unlimited modules
Unlimited documents
Hosted by us or by you
Customized templates
Premium support / SLA


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