
Be GDPR-compliant. Use Syndatis AIR support.

Keep the catalogue of your data sources and assignments.
Process external requests related to personal data.
Manage incidents and keep the full log of actions.
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Central GDPR repository” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Define and store in one, central location all GDPR related data and actions: personal data stores, roles and responsibilities, incidents and external requests.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”External requests” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Manage requests from your ex-employees or clients. Do not miss any deadlines thanks to automatic reminders.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Incidents” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Report any personal data incident occuring in your organization and keep track of all related actions.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Procedures” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Prepare a catalogue of your internal procedures. Share it with your colleagues so they can access always updated version.[/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]
[ms_column style=”1/3″ class=”” id=””][ms_featurebox style=”2″ title_font_size=”24px” title_color=”” icon_circle=”no” icon_size=”46px” title=”Audit and history” icon=”” alignment=”left” icon_animation_type=”” icon_color=”” icon_background_color=”” icon_border_color=”” icon_border_width=”” flip_icon=”none” spinning_icon=”no” icon_image=”” icon_image_width=”” icon_image_height=”” link_url=”” link_target=”_blank” link_text=”” link_color=”” content_color=”” content_box_background_color=”” class=”” id=””]Track all GDPR related actions. View and report history of data stores, incidents and assignment of responsibilities. [/ms_featurebox][/ms_column]

Syndatis AIR

Our platform supports this and many more business modules. It’s fast, it’s reliable and it’s easy to expand.
Use the platform and all business modules for ZERO EUR / USD / PLN up to 1000 documents and 3 user accounts.



3 user accounts
Unlimited module
1000 documents
Hosted by Syndatis AIR
Standard workflow templates
Optional support package




Unlimited user accounts
Unlimited modules
Unlimited documents
Hosted by Syndatis AIR
Standard workflow templates
E-mail support


per user per month



Unlimited user accounts
Unlimited modules
Unlimited documents
Hosted by us or by you
Customized templates
Premium support / SLA


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